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Lovely Complex Episode 17

Lovely Complex is a romantic comedy about two high school friends, Risa and Otami who have a complex about thier hieght.Risa is the tallest girl in school and Otami is the shortest boy.As if that isn't bad enough, they are considerd as a comedy act throughout the school by students and teachers alike.One day,Risa realizes that she likes Otami as more than just a friend and her strugle to make him see her as as a normal girl and not just one of the guys begins.This confuses Otami and makes everything more hectic than it already is.

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megaupload.com[KissSub] Lovely Complex - 17.aviavi166.54 MB
megaupload.com[KissSub]Lovely Complex - 17[F5758740]XviD.aviavi166.54 MB
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